Third place goes to Padova, which made the final of the Team Spirit Tournament, winning 3-0 (23-25, 17-25, 20-25) against a Taranto that appeared tired and inconsistent. Unlike yesterday’s match where the level was high and with a fast pace, today coach Boninfante made an important turnover, inserting Held, Luzzi, Paglialunga and Fevereiro during the match, who were able to make important rotations and compete against the one that will be a direct competitor of the championship. At the end of the match, only Lanza and Gironi finished in double figures, scoring 10 points each in the three sets.

Padova deploys Masulovic Falaschi diagonally, Porro and Sedlacek in 4, Plak in the center – Crosato, Diez libero

Taranto begins with Zimmermann-Gironi diagonally, D’Heer-Alletti in the center, Hofer-Lanza in 4, Rizzo libero

The two teams started out evenly, with Taranto leading 8-7, then Gironi was blocked at 8 all. Sedlacek hands out and maintains the draw 9-9, then Gironi blocks him for 10-9. Masulovic holds the tie, then makes an ace and overtakes, Lanza attacks the net, 10-12. Hofer hands out, 14-13. Padova leads 14-16. Plak makes an ace and breaks away 15-18. Messes in defense and Padova took advantage of it by extending the lead 18-22. Some errors in attack by the Paduans allow Taranto to get back to 23-24. Hofer, however, misses the serve and the set goes in favor of Padova 23-25.

In the second set Padova started strong and took a 4-6 lead. The advantage is maintained with good solutions from the Paduan director, Hofer misses the pipe then is blocked allowing a 9-13 extension. Alletti makes an ace 10-13. At 12-15 Fevereiro and Santangelo enter in double substitution. Balestra also enters on Alletti. Errors also in reception, Padova scores 13-20.  Lanza is blocked for 16-24. Sedlacek closes the pipes 17-25.

In the third set Held enters on Hofer, Balestra remains on the court, and Luzzi enters as libero, while on the Paduan court Truocchio replaces Plak. This time Taranto starts with more energy, Lanza scores the ace to make it 8-7. However, Held is blocked for 9-10, and the advantage is reversed. Paglialunga comes in to serve Balestra, but he makes a mistake. Padova continues to grind out points, with many errors on the rossoblù pitch. Padova reaches 17-21. Gironi scores an ace to make it 20-24. Gironi misses the serve for 20-25.


TARANTO: Santangelo, Luzzi L, Held 5, Alltti 1, Hofer 5, Rizzo L, D’Heer 6, Balestra, Gironi 10, Lanza 10, Fevereiro 10, Zimmermann 6, Paglialunga, all Boninfante

PADUA: Masulovic 14, Diez L, Falaschi 1, Sedlacek 10, Plak 2, Toscani L, Pedron, Orioli, Porro 6, truocchio 5, Crosato, ne Bergamasco, Galiazzo, Galiazzo.