Gamma Chimica Brugherio wins the bronze medal at the 2024 edition of the DelMonte Junior League Under 20, 31st edition of the “Trofeo Massimo Serenelli”, beating 3rd-4th place in the final, on the tricolor pitch of the Palazzetto dello Sport in Ozzano dell ‘Emilia, 3-2 (21-25, 23-25, 25-20, 25-23, 9-15) True Volley Monza.

Gamma Chimica Brugherio, for the third consecutive year, climbs onto the Under 20 Junior League podium.

The path of growth in a sporting context of the highest level is that followed by the team led by coach Davide Delmati who, after inaugurating the season with a 3-1 defeat against the “historic rivals” of Vero Volley, get into gear in the group by winning 1 -3 (29-31, 20-25, 25-21, 19-25) against Cucine Lube Civitanova and 3-0 against Modena (25-21, 25-21, 25-19), a decisive match to overcome the group and reach the semifinals.

The first of the two semi-finals was animated by the great sporting battle staged between Gamma Chimica and Ravenna, the latter capable of overturning the 2-0 deficit, with Gamma Chimica protagonist of two technically and tactically perfect first sets, in the final victory 3-2, Ravenna then won the Under 20 title by winning 3-1 in the final against Itas Trentino.

The doors of the 3rd-4th place final therefore open for Gamma Chimica Brugherio where the paths of the rosanero and Vero Volley Monza once again intertwine. And it is, as expected, a no-holds-barred battle between the people from Brugheri and Monza which in the long run, after more than two hours of competition, leads Gamma Chimica Brugherio to triumph 3-2 and climb onto the third step of the DelMonte Junior podium League 2024.

With great satisfaction, coach Delmati comments on the bronze: “I’ll start from the beginning when the last ball of the fifth set of the bronze final fell, the emotion of everyone, team and staff, was very strong, the conclusion of a year and of a fantastic route and, after another battle of more than two hours, the desire for that medal on the part of the boys prevailed again over everything. We started with difficulties in the first match lost against Vero Volley in the qualifying round , a very balanced group of a very high level. Little by little the team grew, playing together point after point, set after set and match after match, beating Lube in the afternoon of the first day and Modena in a real inside-out match in the morning. of the second day with a solid and continuous performance for all three sets.


Gamma Chimica Brugherio: Giacomo Selleri, Simone Prada (palleggiatori), Daniele Carpita, Daniel Frage (opposti), Tommaso Ichino, Nicolò Garello, Leonardo Tesi (schiacciatori), Michele Viganò, Riccardo Aretz e Riccardo Grue (centrali), Andrea Marini e Paolo Centenaro (liberi)

1° allenatore: Davide Delmati
2° allenatore: Massimo Piazza
Team Manager: Mauro Piazza
Preparatore Atletico: Davide Negrini

Finale 3°-4° posto
Mint Vero Volley Monza – Gamma Chimica Brugherio 2-3
(21-25, 23-25, 25-20, 25-23, 9-15)

Classifica Junior League 2024
1. Consar Ravenna
2. Itas Trentino
3. Gamma Chimica Brugherio
4. Mint Vero Volley Monza
5. Kioene Padova
6. Valsa Group Modena
7. Cucine Lube Civitanova
8. Cisterna Volley