First the friendly match with Milan (which ended 2-2) and then the official presentation of Valsa Group Modena Volley which will start the championship on Sunday facing Piacenza away at 4pm.

Welcoming the players and staff were over 2000 fans who filled the stands of the PalaPanini with their usual energy and passion.

The evening will be hosted by journalists Monica Peruzzi of Sky TG 24 and Fabrizio Monari. After the warm welcome addressed to the public, sponsors and youth sector, President Giulia Gabana immediately entered the field and subsequently the Vice President Michele Storci, the new Sports Councilor Andrea Bortolamasi, the Sports Director Alberto Casadei and the Coach made their entrance. Alberto Giuliani.

It was then the team’s moment, starting with the captain Luciano De Cecco and the libero Filippo Federici, followed by the rest of the group made up of the new Simone Anzani, Jacopo Massari, Pardo Mati, Paul Buchegger, José Miguel Gutierrez and Ahmed Ikhbayri and the confirmed Giovanni Sanguinetti, Riccardo Gollini, Dragan Stankovic, Tommaso Rinaldi and Vlad Davyskiba. Great emotion at the memory, by President Giulia Gabana and General Manager Sartoretti, of Andrea Parenti, Modena Volley manager who recently passed away and whose name will remain engraved on the left sleeve of the official shirt for the entire season.