After the four convincing home sets at San Filippo against Belluno, Consoli Sferc’s preparation continues in Carpi, where at 7pm on Wednesday 25 September the penultimate pre-season test will be staged against Consar Ravenna of the post-Bonitta era. For the Toucans these test matches are essential events to try out all the tactical alternatives that they will have at their disposal this year and to build different storylines around the game that Zambonardi’s group is learning to put together in these weeks of work.

Captain Tiberti’s prolonged stop still gives space to Matteo Bonomi and trains the adaptive capacity of the Toucans, preparing them for different scenarios, all challenging, which it is good to get used to managing in view of a long and demanding season. The very young director is becoming familiar with the game and is increasing his authority from set to set. “Despite his inexperience in the category – confirms the coach from Brescia -, Matteo is working with great seriousness and dedication and this can also be seen from how he holds the field, with increasing fluency and cunning”. With him there are Bisset as opposite, Erati, Cargioli and Tondo rotate in the center (and not only), Cominetti, Cavuto, Raffaelli and Punales on the flank, Hoffer and Franzoni alternate in the second line.

The Romagna roster is also quite renewed, which focuses on experienced players to mentor talented youngsters such as Guzzo (2002) and Feri (2004), such as Ekstrand (formerly Gioia del Colle in the Super League) and the son of Zlatanov ( 2008, from Piacenza). The sextet at the kick-off should include Russo as director with Guzzo opposite, the veterans Canella and Copelli in the center, Ekstrand and Tallone in attack. Goi is the most experienced libero, alternating with Pascucci.