Stefano Da Rold is not only the vice president and among the very first fans of Belluno Volley. He is also a marathon runner. It is, to all intents and purposes, during the rhinos’ matches: while Bisi and his teammates crush, defend and receive on the parquet, he walks continuously to diffuse the tension. And he clocks up miles. It happens in every race. And even more so it will happen on Sunday 24 March (6pm), when Senini Motta di Livenza will arrive at the Spes Arena for the last round of the regular season.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR – «It will be a “big game” for several reasons – says the vice president -. First of all, the two teams that have scored the highest number of points in the second round will face each other. Furthermore, we will be competing for a high ranking final placement: it could be second, third or fourth place. Without considering the environmental factor: many fans from the province of Treviso will arrive in Lambioi. Regardless of the result, I am convinced that we will see a wonderful challenge.”

GOLD MEDAL – At the Veneto derby, the rhinos show up strong with the 3-0 obtained in Valenza and useful for regaining third place: «Acqui Terme had strong motivations, they were playing to earn a better place in the playoffs. But our boys interpreted the match perfectly, from the first point. It was one of the best performances of the season. I saw a team that was confident, concentrated and fully “charged”. There are two individuals in particular to mention: «Schiro, especially in attack, has demonstrated his indisputable value. And Gonzalo Martinez deserves a gold medal because, despite his knee injury, he sacrificed himself for the collective good, in a role he had chosen not to cover anymore. Defending or receiving is very different from attacking, but you can also be decisive in the second line. And Martinez proved it.”

NO CONDITIONS – In the event of a 3-0 or 3-1 success in Sunday’s match, Belluno Volley would be second, while a defeat could cost them the podium: «I only ask the group for maximum commitment. And don’t let yourself be influenced by the progress of the race. As far as we’re concerned, it was a priority to have home advantage in the first round of the playoffs. And it is a goal that we have achieved.