On Sunday 15 September, from 5.30 pm, the external grandstand of the San Giustino sports hall will host “Campioni a 4 Zampe”, a unique event that combines sport and solidarity in an engaging and meaningful experience. Promoted by Volley Altotevere in collaboration with Ghismo Onlus, the initiative aims to raise awareness in the community on the topic of inclusiveness through the union of sport and solidarity. Ghismo Onlus, led by Dr. Massimo Floris, plays a crucial role on this day. The association, based in Bettona, specializes in training dogs for social use and pet therapy for children and people with physical and mental disabilities. Among the highlights of the event will be the presence of Francesca, testimonial of Ghismo Onlus and first foster of a dog trained by the association. Francesca will show, starting from 7.15pm, how precious dogs can be in managing disabilities in everyday life. The afternoon will open at 5.45pm with a performance by the “La Tana dei Lupi” association from Fidenza (Parma); their dog lovers will stage an exciting show of canine agility, interaction with the public and with the players of the ErmGroup Altotevere. This will be followed at 6.45pm by the IGP Team Luna association, which trains dogs for competitive activities. Another moment of great importance is that of 7.35 pm, when Volley Altotevere will officially receive its new mascot, the puppy Achille: a dog who will be trained for pet therapy and whose entry into the white-blue society marks the culmination of a long-standing desire cultivated.