More and more a certainty, more and more a flag. Matteo Sperandio renews his contract with Delta Group Porto Viro for another year: next season will be the sixth consecutive season wearing the fuchsia black jersey for the Treviso centre-back, born in 1992, 200 centimeters tall.

A protagonist on the stages of Serie A for 15 years (just in recent months he crossed the finish line of 400 career appearances), a great blocking specialist, Sperandio embraced Porto Viro’s cause way back in 2019, at the time of the A3. Season after season, the former Padova and Sora player (among others) has become a point of reference for the club, both on and off the pitch, where he holds the role of marketing manager. This is why, despite the ongoing “restyling”, his confirmation in the 2024/2025 Delta Group roster was considered an absolute priority by the Polesine management.

“First of all I want to thank the club for this umpteenth demonstration of trust – says Sperandio – I am happy to continue my career in Porto Viro and I fully agree with the club’s idea of ​​starting a new project, more long-term and more sustainable, also because I think it goes perfectly with the choice to focus on a coach used to working with young people like coach Morato. There are many stimuli for the new season, a difficult championship awaits us and being one of the most experienced players in the squad I feel a great responsibility. I will try to act as a ‘mother hen’ not only to my teammates but to all the guys in the group.”

As a senator of the dressing room, Sperandio has clear ideas about what his role should be within the new Delta Group: “I will try to pass on to the younger ones what I have collected and made mine in the different experiences I have been able to have, taking example from captains or in any case by the more experienced players with whom I have compared myself. The most important lesson I’ve learned in my 15 years in Serie A? That in sport there is always the next day, there is always the next training session, there is always the next match to play. Both in moments of euphoria and in those when things aren’t going well, on an individual or team level, you always have a second chance, to confirm yourself or to make up for it. This is the greatest challenge for an athlete.”