Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza makes its loud voice at the Paris Olympics: there are six red and white players who will be protagonists in Paris 2024 in the men’s volleyball tournament from 27 July.

Yuri Romanò, Alessandro Bovolenta and Gianluca Galassi will wear the shirt of the Italian national team, Antoine Brizard that of the French national team, Uros Kovacevic that of the Serbian national team and Stephen Maar that of the Canadian national team.

Six red and white at the Paris Olympics, a great satisfaction for President Elisabetta Curti’s club.

The Azzurri, included in group B together with Poland, Brazil and Egypt, will make their debut at the Olympics on 27 July against Brazil (of the former red and white Lucarelli and Leal) and then face Egypt on 30 July and finally Poland on 3 August.

France, Serbia and Canada together with Slovenia are included in group A. And immediately on July 28th Brizard’s France will face Kovacevic’s Serbia while Maar’s Canada will face Slovenia. Serbia will be back on the field on July 30th to face Slovenia while Brizard’s France will face Maar’s Canada. On August 2nd there will be a match between France and Slovenia and the following day, August 3rd, Maar’s Canada and Kovacevic’s Serbia will face each other.