Quarterfinals Del Monte® Coppa Italia SuperLega:
Sir Susa Vim Perugia – Valsa Group Modena 3-0 (25-20, 27-25, 25-22)

Sir Susa Vim Perugia – Valsa Group Modena 3-0 (25-20, 27-25, 25-22) – Sir Susa Vim Perugia: Giannelli 2, Plotnytskyi 11, Loser 10, Ben Tara 11, Ishikawa 10, Solé 6, Piccinelli (L), Cianciotta 0, Herrera Jaime 0, Colaci (L), Semeniuk 2. N.E. Candellaro, Zoppellari, Russo. All. Lorenzetti. Valsa Group Modena: De Cecco 0, Davyskiba 10, Sanguinetti 8, Buchegger 13, Gutierrez 4, Mati 2, Gollini (L), Massari 2, Anzani 4, Ikhbayri 0, Federici (L), Rinaldi 3. N.E. Meijs, Stankovic. All. Giuliani. ARBITRI: Zanussi, Giardini, Salvati. NOTE – durata set: 28′, 34′, 30′; tot: 92′.

Sir Susa Vim Perugia achieves its objective by winning the last available place for the Final Four of the Del Monte® Coppa Italia, where it will face Rana Verona in the Semifinal. On Monday evening at the PalaEvangelisti, the home team, who were able to focus on field advantage thanks to their best placing at the end of the first round of the Regular Season, repeated the 3-0 of the championship match, which took place just four days ago in Boxing Day and prevailed again against coach Alberto Giuliani’s Valsa Group Modena in 3 sets with scores of 25-20, 27-25, 25-22. For president Gino Sirci’s club it is the 11th Final Four, the 12th if we also include that of A2. MVP of the match was Juventus’ opposite team, Wassim Ben Tara, who closed the match with 11 points, 3 blocks and 67% positivity in attack.

MVP: Wassim Ben Tara (Sir Susa Vim Perugia)

Massimo Colaci (Sir Susa Vim Perugia): : “Winning was what we wanted. We knew it would be difficult, we are happy: we win another Final Four and it’s wonderful because it was really hard. There are steps during the year, stages that we wanted to reach and this was an important one. It went well and we are happy, we enjoy it because nothing is taken for granted. From the outside you think that Perugia must always win by a landslide, but we want to win, which is fine different. Their serve was of the highest level, and we had a bit of trouble in reception because then the ball exchange becomes less fluid.”

Final Four Del Monte® Coppa Italia SuperLega
Unipol Arena di Casalecchio di Reno (BO)

First Semifinal
Sabato 25 gennaio 2025, ore 16.15
Sir Susa Vim Perugia – Rana Verona

Second Semifinal
Sabato 25 gennaio 2025, ore 18.30
Itas Trentino – Cucine Lube Civitanova

Domenica 26 gennaio 2025, ore 15.15

Vincente Semifinale 1 – Vincente Semifinale 2