«Our region is small, but it makes itself known throughout the world through its excellence: one is certainly Sir!»

With these words the President of the Regional Council of Umbria, Donatella Tesei, greeted the team on the occasion of the institutional meeting which, like every year, officially opened the Block Devils season.

Inside the Hall of Honor of Palazzo Donini, the most prestigious of the historic building that houses the Umbria regional council, the group presented itself in full force, starting with the President of the club, Gino Sirci.

The Juventus patron greeted President Tesei, proudly underlining the results achieved by the club over the years: «The whole world has talked about us, Perugia is at the top in the world of volleyball».

Sir Susa Vim Perugia, after the historic poker of last year, in which it won all four competitions in which it participated (Club World Cup, Super Cup, Italian Cup and Scudetto), is in fact at the starting line of the 80th Super League championship with two trophies already raised: starting with the very prestigious Bogdanka Volley Cup, won on Polish soil at the home of the former Leon, up to the Jesi Volley Cup, won just yesterday in the quadrangular which saw the Block Devils beat the French team first of Tours and then, in the final, the Marche team of Lube.

Two trophies in two pre-season competitions, which certainly represent an excellent viaticum to start the upcoming season with confidence.

Completing the management staff are General Director Benedetto Rizzuto and Sports Director Goran Vujevic.