The work of the physiotherapist is very important, because the entire staff works hard to ensure that each athlete can express themselves to the maximum of their psycho-physical potential. But above all, a strong human relationship is established between the specialist and the players where trust plays a major factor. After having already worn the Folgore shirt from the youth sector to the first team, Simone Vinaccia joins the technical staff as a physiotherapist to integrate a first-rate team, a few weeks after the start of work

This year you will join the staff of Folgore Massa Sorrento as a physiotherapist. How did this opportunity arise? Tell us a little about your business.

“Let’s say that I have always been part of the Folgore family: I went through the whole process in the youth sector, up until my debut in Serie B with the first team at 17 years old. I then decided to undertake this course of study which led me to my degree. After returning here I spoke with president Ruggiero, who explained the project to me and asked me to be part of it. Already knowing the club, fans and environment, I absolutely couldn’t say no. From this year, therefore, I will be Folgore’s physiotherapist together with another very valid specialist, I will attend all training sessions as well as the official matches at PalAtigliana and away games, eager to put my experience at the service of everyone”.

When did your career working for sports teams begin?

“This type of path has always fascinated me, and it all started last year with the guys from Folgore after I finished my studies. I did some coaching in the second part of the last championship, as a function of a more far-reaching discussion in the current one. I’m happy that everything turned out in a positive way.”

What type of relationship is formed between the physiotherapist and the athlete?

“It is certainly an important relationship, because the physiotherapist not only acts from a musculoskeletal point of view, but creates a strong human relationship with the athlete. Having been an athlete I understand these dynamics very well, because when I played the physiotherapist was practically my point of reference for everything. I therefore aim to be a beacon for both younger kids and super established professionals.”

Would you also like to give some advice to all those young people who would like to work as a sports physiotherapist?

“It is a profession that requires commitment and a lot of study, because science is always moving forward, and you need to continually update yourself to always keep up.