A confirmation that has the flavor, at the same time, of a new purchase. With the hope that it will above all be a new chapter. The opposite Simone Marzolla, 25 years old next November, will wear the shirt of ErmGroup San Giustino for the second consecutive season in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship and until almost the halfway point of the previous season he composed the blue and white diagonal with the other Jacopo Biffi confirmed. However, penalized by physical problems right from the training period, the Venetian player practically never took to the field in top condition and had to stop last December 10th, after the home match against OmiFer Palmi. That was his last presence on the Taraflex; nevertheless, in the 10 matches played Marzolla scored 194 points (an average of almost 20 per game), including 8 aces and 13 winning blocks. Then the long stop until March 20, the day on which he underwent an L4/L5 microdiscectomy at the Tuscan Surgical Center in Arezzo by the team of Dr. Eugenio Demo Dugoni, responsible for neurosurgery at the same facility, in collaboration with Dr. Alessandro Landi. A successful operation, which was followed by a few weeks of rest and then the rehabilitation phase which is still ongoing. “Now I’m fine – said Marzolla – and I continue to train alternating weights with the swimming pool; almost three months after the operation, I am fully in tune with the roadmap. Gradually, I increase the level of difficulty of the sessions and I notice that the answers are ok, so in view of the preparation for August I should be fine”. A confirmation from the company, but also desired by himself. “Right from the start – Marzolla recalls – I said that I would stay in San Giustino if the management had the intention of keeping me. This is how it went and I’m happy, because I want to demonstrate all my real value: last year I tried in every way, I tried to get by, but my physical condition didn’t allow me to do so.”