Avimecc Modica has a new scoutman. This is Simone Di Lorenzo who will be of great help in coach Enzo Distefano’s evaluations.

Di Lorenzo has gained experience in important championships in the women’s field, but has already faced the A3 series championship with Saturnia Acicastello. He began his career collaborating with the youth sector of Roomy, and then moved to the Third Series with the Etna sextet. Then the experience in A2 with Lagonegro, while last season he was the scoutman of Catania Volley.

“For me – declares Simone Di Lorenzo – it is a privilege to become part of the Avimecc Modica ‘family’. In the past there had already been some contact, this time the new call convinced me to accept and now I will give my best for this important Sicilian volleyball reality. The A3 series championship – he continues – is progressively rising in level from year to year, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to indicate the favorite teams. All the teams will want to have their say this season and I believe that we too will not be outdone. Many people in the volleyball environment have always spoken well to me about the environment and society and those who are part of it. Given my young age – concludes Simone Di Lorenzo – the season with Avimecc Modica will be a season of great opportunity for both professional and personal growth. I have few doubts about the team. The hard core has been reconfirmed as proof of the continuity of the project and the work of all the staff and for this reason it’s already time to start.”

Happy with the arrival of coach Enzo Distefano on his staff who immediately found himself in harmony with his new collaborator.

“I am happy with the arrival of Simone Di Lorenzo on my staff – explains Enzo Distefano – because we immediately got on well after discussing how to work and above all interpret the numbers and statistics in this A3 series season now upon us, which will be outside of his job. Simone is a boy who has had many experiences in the women’s field, in various categories including the one in Serie A2 in Lagonegro with Barbiero. Now he arrives at Avimecc Modica and I also hope a lot in his enthusiasm that he has shown in interfacing with a category that is almost new to him, but – concludes the Avimecc coach – his great stimuli are a guarantee for all of us and I am sure that this season we will go ‘hand in hand’ with both of us having clear objectives that we want and need to achieve.”