Gioiella Prisma Taranto renews for the fifth consecutive year its collaboration with the nutritionist Dr. Francesco Settembrini, born in Taranto and owner of the “Settembrini” Pharmacy in Taranto, in via Livio Andronico 31.

Settembrini plays a fundamental role in the well-being, care and health of athletes and sportspeople in general.

Dr. Francesco Settembrini, pharmacist nutritionist, holds a Master’s degree in Nutrition and Sports Physiology and is a consultant for various athletes and sports teams in the area.

The Settembrini Pharmacy, now a consolidated reality in Taranto, offers specialist consultancy not only in the pharmaceutical field but also through a range of services aimed at improving the quality of life.

With a further Master’s degree in sports integration and supplementation, Settembrini deals with everything relating to supplementary products to support athletes during the year, monitoring the collaboration with companies of the highest quality supplements and nutritional products.

A former competitive athlete and still a good sportsman, marathon runner and enthusiast of many sports, Settembrini applies the nutrition principles learned both on himself and on numerous athletes and champions, including athletes of international and Olympic fame.

In these years of collaboration with Gioiella Prisma Taranto Volley has made a fundamental contribution to the well-being of athletes in nutrition, always in constant collaboration with the technical and medical staff, and this year too he immediately got to work with a functional dialogue with coach Boninfante, already establishing some fundamental pre-season stages:

“I have already had the opportunity to speak with the new coach and explain my work which he immediately appreciated, and therefore in continuity with other years, from the team meeting and therefore from the start of the pre-season the boys will be divided into different groups. One group will do multiple medical visits (physiatric, orthopedic and general medicine), another will come to me to do the biological and impedance tests to evaluate the body composition and nutritional aspect. Then we will start with the season. It is a proven mechanism that it works very well and therefore nothing has changed compared to other years, I am very happy that Imister Boninfante also wanted to follow this team. All we have to do is start with great enthusiasm and the desire to do well, thanking the Presidency with Tonio Bongiovanni and Elisabetta. Zealous for always trusting the project and the collaboration with the pharmacy.”