Three years later. Aversa returns to being a point of reference for southern volleyball, bringing an exceptional representative, president Sergio Di Meo, to the Board of Directors of the Serie A Volleyball League. The official announcement arrived this morning (18 July) at the end of the ordinary meeting open to all clubs from the SuperLega to Serie A3 with the Serie A2 clubs having decided to have the patron of the Norman club as their ‘guide’.
Di Meo returns to the Board of Directors after having also been there in 2021 and underlines that “for the next three years we will try, together with President Massimo Righi, to give a further boost to such an important movement as that of Italian men’s volleyball”. Yes, because we remember that the elections for the new Board of Directors will guarantee the ‘seat’ for three years in a row to “allow what we think of as a splendid evolution of volleyball in Italy and in the world. There are many projects, we discussed them together with all the presidents and we believe the time has come to overcome – even further – national borders. I would like to thank all those – delegates of the A2 Series – who wanted me as their representative and I thank President Righi for the trust placed in me now the time has come to roll up our sleeves and work with our heads down for the good of volleyball.”
At the same time, the Norman management announces that from the 2024-25 season the team that will participate in the Serie A2 championship will change its name: Evolution Green Aversa will take the place of Wow Green House Aversa, but with the Loffredo and Liguori families still in the role of Name Sponsor of the club .