The 2024/25 season is now upon us and Modena Volley has activated many ticketing promotions dedicated to sports clubs, young people, schools, university students and partner employees. Below is the detail of each individual initiative.

SPORTS CLUB CHALLENGE (sale reserved for PalaPanini)

Initiative dedicated to all volleyball teams in Modena and the province with the aim of rewarding the most loyal team. During home games, the number of spectators present at PalaPanini for each team will be counted and a point will be assigned for each person present. After each match a general ranking will be drawn up in order to give each team an overview of their placement.

Prices – Club members: standard matches €8; premium matches €10. Non-members: standard matches €14; premium matches €20.

MODENA VOLLEYBALL FOR SCHOOL (sale reserved for PalaPanini)

It is a project that rewards schools for attendance and entries to the PalaPanini during the championship with the use of vouchers that can be spent on the supply of sports material. School managers will have to send an email to join the project to and once received, a virtual piggy bank of the institute will be created. After receiving the registration email, a communication will be sent with the explanation of the initiative, the calendar of home matches and subsequently the price list from which to choose the preferred material. For each ticket for each single match, Modena Volley will pay a pre-established amount (€1 per ticket) into the school’s piggy bank.

Prices – Students + teachers: standard match €8; premium match €10. Family members + companions: standard match €14; premium match €20