“The first time I saw you” is the claim chosen by Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina to present the season ticket campaign for the 2024-2025 sports season, a historic first in the Super League for president Romiti’s association.

Two teenagers at center stage, the beating heart of M&G Volleyball School. Unique reality in Italy with over two hundred members of the youth sector, which compared to the number of inhabitants of the catchment area literally made even Giovanni Malagò, National President of CONI, literally wrinkle his eyes during a recent visit to the Marche region. The charm of the Super League does not cloud or distort the club’s plans: young people are and will always remain at the center of the scene.

Two teenagers holding hands, entering a crowded and illuminated sports hall with the emotion and that hint of embarrassment of those who, on certain stages, appear for the first time.

“The first time I saw you”, the reference is clear to the first historic season in the Super League but also to volleyball, to love, to friendship and to everything that can be born and grow from the contamination of all these concepts, under the aegis of a wonderful common denominator: passion.

Presented at a press conference in the Town Hall in the presence of the mayor of Grottazzolina Alberto Antognozzi, the president of the club Rossano Romiti, and the coach Massimiliano Ortenzi
Also present were councilor Jacopo Angelini, vice president Claudio Laconi and Fabio Paci and Dania Spinosi representing the communication sector of the partnership.