The sale of season tickets to watch Delta Group Porto Viro’s home matches in the Serie A2 Credem Banca 2024/2025 championship officially begins today, Monday 2 September.

Claim of the campaign, previewed during the start-of-season party last Friday, is the word “Loyalty”. A recognition, first and foremost, for those who, year after year, continue to support the team with passion, but without forgetting that the Porto Viro Palasport wants to be a place of inclusion and therefore open to anyone who wants to become part of the Nerofuscia family.

In a year of great changes for the first team, starting from some figures in the staff up to the many new signings in the squad, “Fedeltà” also reminds us that, despite changing skin, the Delta Volley project always has solid foundations on which to rest : the love for the shirt, the club, the youth sector, the fans, the city of Porto Viro and the entire Po Delta area. It is no coincidence that the word “Delta” is contained in the word “Loyalty”, territory for which President Veronese’s club wants to continue to be a point of reference, representing it with pride throughout Italy.

Like last year, the season ticket will give the right to attend the 13 home matches of the Delta Group in the regular season as well as any home playoff and Coppa Italia matches. The price will be 120 euros for the full season ticket, 50 euros for the reduced ticket reserved for Under 18s. It will be possible to purchase the passes both online, through the Live Ticket platform, and physically, at the ticket office of the Porto Viro Palasport, in these first countryside weeks open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6pm to 8pm.

STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION (a total of 13 regular season home games + any playoffs and Italian Cup):

– FULL: €120
– REDUCED (under 18): €50

Online + offline sales

LOYALTY SUBSCRIPTION (reserved for past season subscribers):


Offline sales only at the Sports Hall


–  FULL: €12
– REDUCED (Under 18): €6

Online + offline sales