Another confirmation of prestige for Tinet Prata which will benefit from the performances of Simone Scopelliti for the third consecutive year. The strong central defender of Calabrian origin will once again bring his 205 centimeters to guard the yellow-blue middle of the net. A confirmation that gives credit to Scopelliti’s great qualities not only on the pitch, but also in the locker room and as a member of the 360-degree yellow-blue world, considering that he is also responsible for helping the youngest athletes in the Volley Prata academy grow.

“It’s been a long and intense season – Scop rewinds the tape – but I think that all in all we can be satisfied with our journey; we took a step forward compared to last year, winning the first playoff match and qualifying for the Italian cup. There is a bit of regret for how the last few games ended, in which we had to deal with a bit of bad luck, leaving the team without central defenders in the key moment, but this, at least personally, gives me the desire to start again another year with the right attitude, immediately putting into play the desire and motivation that I wasn’t able to express in the last two games.”

By now we can consider you an acquired Prato native who is perfectly integrated into society. What should “veterans” like you do to help new people enter the yellow-blue world as best they can?

“I am honored to be part of this club for another season. I have always appreciated the professionalism of the technical and managerial staff who in these two years have demonstrated not only that they can compete in the category but also excel. I believe that this, together with the players’ desire to constantly train on the pitch and team up on and off the pitch, could be the key to building a successful season. And it is precisely finding the right balance that the “veterans” of the group will have to be good at.”

Speaking of staff, as is known there has been a renewal. Have you already spoken to Coach Di Pietro? What were your impressions and above all what are your expectations for the next season?

“I have already exchanged a few words with coach Di Pietro, and I was very happy because I think there are the conditions for building an excellent human and professional relationship.
Anyone who knows me knows that like the good Aries that I am, when I put something in my head I fight with gritted teeth until I get it; and my goal for next season will be to learn and improve further, taking a further step forward technically compared to the season just ended. “