Enrico Scarpi is a new Gialloblu player!
Scarpi, spiker from Ravenna born in 1995, 190 cm tall, grew up in the youth teams of Robur Costa Ravenna, comes from the past season in which he wore the Stadium Mirandola shirt, with the A2 in Reggio Emilia and the A3 with Alessano and Ottaviano behind him.
These are his first words in the Sarroch shirt, of which he will wear the number 82:

“I chose Sarroch because I believe it is a place where we can work well and which has proven to be an important place after promotion to A3 in 2023 and managing to maintain the category last season, often displaying high-level play.
This year the staff is really high level, I know many players on the team with whom I have played as a teammate or opponent in previous seasons and I think that the experience of the coach and the staff can help us play an excellent championship”