Volley Savigliano is pleased to announce the first addition in view of the 2024/25 sports season in Serie A3 Credem Banca. In fact, Andrea Orlando Boscardini arrives from Moyashi Garlasco to complete the package of middle blockers.

Born in Rieti in 2001, Andrea will bring his 205 centimeters with him to the PalaSanGiorgio, significantly raising the blue and white wall. After starting out at Volley Monterotondo, a Roman team with which he played in Serie D, in 2017 he moved to Lombardy, making his debut in Serie B in Segrate, before his experience in Milan, with which he played in Serie B, but also appearing on the Serie A1 roster in 2018/19. Then, Brugherio in Serie B, before a stable return to Serie A with the shirts of Brescia and Lagonegro in Serie A2 and Turin and Garlasco in Serie A3. He boasts 107 points in Serie A2 and 382 in Serie A3, 173 of which were recorded in the last season with the Moyashi shirt.

Now the landing in the province of Cuneo, where he had always been an opponent: “Savigliano is a professional and tenacious reality from what I have been able to experience as an opponent so far. I am very happy to be part of it, hoping to live up to such tenacity. From my side I will provide as much professionalism as possible for the club, the team and the public, who so far have proven to be the seventh man on the pitch in the matches I have played as an opponent at PalaSanGiorgio. Beyond expectations, I am confident in a season of personal growth and fun, a combination that rarely fails to bring positive results” – his first words in blue and white.

The entire Savigliano Volleyball team, starting with the president Guido Rosso, welcomes Andrea, wishing him much satisfaction in his new adventure.