Plus Volleyball Sabaudia continues to work while awaiting the official start of the next season of the A3 men’s volleyball championship. The Pontine team, which last season closed the tournament on a high note, is fresh from participating in the Volley Mercato, the usual Bolognese event in which the final agreements are signed and during which the various clubs compete against each other thanks to the commitment of the Volleyball League Serie A. «Even in the next championship we want to confirm ourselves as an uncomfortable team for everyone to face and also try to improve what we did last season – assures Gigi Goldner, one of the top managers of the Pontine association – The second round of the championship recently concluded it must be the starting point from which to plan a new adventure that can excite our public even more and involve our territory in an increasingly important way. We are convinced that we will be able to get some satisfaction and also for this reason we have chosen to confirm Coach Nello Mosca as head of the team given how much good he has shown he can do by taking over the race.”

The coach knows Sabaudia’s place very well and, after a start to the season, his inclusion allowed the Sabaudian team first to secure the season and then to come close to a result that would have been historic given the conditions. «In addition to coach Mosca we have a new figure who is very important for us, he is Paolo Torre, a former setter of the top series who holds the role of sporting director for us – continues Goldner – we are convinced that the work he has done for us in recent months and what he is continuing to do in this period will be able to give us an important guarantee. Torre works with great commitment and we are all waiting for the results, including him.” Paolo Torre, in his career as an athlete, also won an Italian Cup, an Italian Super Cup, three A2 series Italian Cups including one with Top Volley Latina, without forgetting a Cup Winners’ Cup, a Cev Cup and a European Super Cup . Added to this is the bronze medal in the 2003 World League with the Italian national team.
