The young man who completes the roster of ErmGroup San Giustino as regards the central defenders department comes from Tuscany. His name is Marco Romanacci, born in 2006 (he turned 18 last March) and 199 centimeters tall; born in Livorno, he comes from Torretta Volley, the club of the city of Livorno where he grew up, playing in the Under 17 and Under 19 championships and coming close to the Tuscan regional title before playing with the first team, which plays in Serie C. And in the summer of 2023, the first significant recognition: the call-up to a junior national team team. “And the call from Pallavolo San Giustino is the second great satisfaction – declared Romanacci – especially since I have been practicing competitive activity for a few years. I started with individual disciplines, such as martial arts and swimming, then I discovered the beauty of team play and became passionate about volleyball; moreover, I still have room for improvement to exploit also from a physical point of view”. Are you stronger in fast attack or block attack? “Good question! I think I’m good at attacking in the first half, but there are those who tell me I’m better at blocking. It’s not easy to be strong in both fundamentals, even if in San Giustino I will work hard on both sides. With the speed imparted to the ball in the serves, it is very likely that we will have to be more ready on the block for opposing counterattacks than in the first half.” Romanacci was a goal pursued for a long time by Valdemaro Gustinelli: “The “courtship” towards Marco lasted a year – recalled the biancazzurro sporting director – because the first time I spoke with him was in September last year in Zocca, in the pre-Junior training camp and I immediately noticed his abilities. From that moment, together with his parents we began to evaluate the possibility of including him in the first team roster. During the last season, the boy participated in some training sessions with the first team, demonstrating the skills that make him an extremely interesting profile. We are talking about a young man from 2006 who is almost two meters tall, who up to now has only played one Serie C championship in addition to the various youth categories, so we will have to be patient and know how to wait. Equipped with remarkable physical qualities, Marco is a serene boy who deeply believes in his possibilities and who willingly accepted the project.