He arrived young, very young, in Perugia. In five seasons he grew up, became a man, became a pillar of the team and the Italian national team. And it will still remain in Perugia!
Sir Susa Vim Perugia announces the renewal for another two seasons with Roberto Russo. After Simone Giannelli’s stay, president Sirci’s club has secured another fundamental piece of the Block Devils who will secure the center of the net with Palermo’s place three until 2026.
For five seasons as a protagonist at PalaBarton, Roberto Russo will therefore continue to inflame the hearts of the Juventus supporters who soon elected him as their favorite, since he arrived in Perugia at the age of twenty-two in 2019. For his undisputed and natural skills in playing volleyball, for the his peremptory 205 cm against the wall and in the first half, for his always bright smile, even in the face of injuries that had to keep him out for a while during these five years, for his always cheerful and open character, for that heart and that passion that he knows how to throw onto the field, typical of his beloved Sicily.
4 Italian Super Cups, 2 Italian Cups and 2 Club World Cups with the Perugia shirt for Russo who does nothing to hide the pleasure, pride and satisfaction for the fresh renewal with Sir Susa Vim:
“I am very happy with the trust that the club places in me. It is my third renewal here, Perugia is now a second home for me, I feel good with the environment, with the club and I hope to continue the path in the best way and to bring the club together with my teammates other trophies to put up on the notice board. For me as a player it is very important to feel that a club of Perugia’s level, among the best in the world, has respect and consideration for me, I will never stop thanking the president, the staff and the people who believe in me for this renewal.” .
Five years in Perugia in which Roberto grew and matured and in which he was able to experience first-hand the enthusiasm of the Juventus public.
“It’s true, I have grown and matured a lot in recent years, improving both from a technical point of view and above all on a human level. It’s part of life’s journey, I’m lucky enough to do it in one of the cities with the biggest and best fans. Everywhere we go our fans are there, they push us to do our best, they help us in difficulties. I still have the white wall in Bologna for the Italian Cup Final Four in my eyes. A beautiful show…”.
This is Roberto’s last message precisely for the PalaBarton audience.
“Let’s all move forward united as we still have so much satisfaction to gain together!”.