Also for the 2024/25 Season Printzone is alongside Cosedil Saturnia Acicastello, as official supplier and Free Sponsor. The company of Michele Zuccarello, new Biancoblu commercial director, Gabriele Signorelli and Antonio Capolingua, as happened during the last Championship, will take care of preparing prints and materials useful to the company.

The three partners say of the renewal of the partnership: “In these days we are already working on the clothing that the blue and whites will wear at the start of the training camp and this already makes us part of the enthusiasm that, as always, is not lacking in the entire Society . Last season we then experienced an experience from the stands of PalaCatania that was completely new and engaging to say the least. Being part of it again this year makes us proud of this common path. We can’t wait for the championship to start.”