“A role that gives us prestige. Thank you for bringing the event here: it is an opportunity to work without borders and to do it together in sport. I hope that the exchange of ideas can also work in other areas and in the days of the tournament I am confident in a large movement of people.” Words pronounced by Fabrizio Innocenti, mayor of Sansepolcro, where on Saturday 13 April – in the council room of Palazzo delle Laudi – the press conference was held to present the national Under 19 men’s volleyball finals, scheduled for 14 to 19 May with competitions in San Giustino, at the Selci Lama sports hall and gym; at the Pala Ioan in Città di Castello, at the PalaFemac in Trestina and at the Sansepolcro sports hall. Among those present, also the president of the Umbrian regional committee of Fipav, Giuseppe Lomurno, accompanied by Agostino Benedetti and Giorgio Anastasi on this small Tuscan excursion. Federation, Centro Coni and Pallavolo San Giustino are the entities at the forefront for the organization of the event. In recalling his professional past as a doctor in the city of Piero della Francesca, Lomurno praised the effort made by the three Municipalities (San Giustino, Città di Castello and Sansepolcro) from an economic and logistical point of view to guarantee the most important sporting event of volleyball at a youth level in an area that is the “cradle” of this discipline. “I am also optimistic about a return from a tourist point of view,” concluded the president. After the applause for the two testimonials of the finals, the former international referee Simone Santi and Davide Marra, a player with a history in the top league and in the national team, who abandoned his competitive career a few days ago and ended it with Pallavolo San Giustino, the speakers spoke other institutional representatives. The mayor of San Giustino, Paolo Fratini, spoke of effective synergy and of overcoming regional boundaries, spending words of appreciation for the sports associations responsible for managing the facilities, which will present themselves at their best and which will guarantee the valley an excellent business card also from a hospitality point of view. Councilor Riccardo Carletti of Città di Castello recalled the clubs’ commitment to an event that will bring promising volleyball players to the area, some of whom have already graced the Super League pitches. Andrea Guerrieri, sports councilor of the Municipality of San Giustino, focused on the rather rapid timing: “Logistics and accommodation are in place a month in advance and we have created an illustrated paper leaflet, which lists the places to see in the three centers involved”.