President Giammarco Bisogno, what is the budget for the year 2024?
From a sporting point of view it is good. We played in the final to go to the Super League, so we can say that an excellent job was done last season. This season is currently underway, the team is aligned with its initial objectives, namely securing a playoff spot. We have great players on the roster, this is a team to be managed also from a physical point of view.

And from a corporate and organizational point of view, what is the balance sheet?
From an organizational, corporate and environmental point of view, however, I have some doubts. In the first months of this championship there was a decrease in fans and spectators, perhaps a bit of enthusiasm was lost and certainly the PalaEstra in the winter months doesn’t help. The project we are carrying out is challenging, there are many sponsors who support it and the public is certainly an important element. In the next few months we will have to make many assessments, starting from the arena, and we will discuss it with the municipal administration: this issue remains very delicate. We have plenty of time available, we will have to evaluate various situations, it is a path to be taken in the coming months. The company has had a new board of directors for a few months. After ten years of Serie A volleyball, Emma Villas is also looking for new partnerships at a corporate and sponsorship level. We are open to all solutions and are working to bring in other entrepreneurs.