Pride and sense of belonging. This is the story of Paolo Pontecorvo, libero born in ’98 with the green and white shirt tattooed on his skin: from the youth sector up to Serie A. Defending the colors of one’s homeland is both an honor and a burden, but he has broad shoulders to handle the pressure and always give your best on every ball. Libero, but also spiker to lend a hand in the fundamentals of the second line when the team needs it. Due to his determination and flexibility, Pontecorvo is an important piece in the tactical chessboard of coach Nicola Esposito.

A reconfirmation that demonstrates the company’s trust in you. What does it feel like to defend the colors of your homeland, in a tough and fascinating championship like the A3 Series?

“What is about to begin will be my fourth year in Serie A here in Sorrento. I will start again in August with even more hunger, and the desire to improve myself starting from the first training session. I believe that playing for your country is the dream of any athlete: I am lucky to be able to live this dream, continuing to represent my homeland.”

How important is it to transmit the values ​​of belonging to kids from outside the region, to create a solid and winning group?

“The road to success lies in a solid group, which is fully aware of the direction in which it is going. With commitment, perseverance and patience. It will be important to share the values ​​and culture of the group we will create, to feel this sense of belonging even stronger.”

Free in role, but you were often decisive even as a second line spiker. How much work is behind it, to improve the fundamentals of reception and defense?

“I’m willing to do anything to help my teammates. I will always be ready for any of the coach’s needs. Behind the results there is a lot of work during training, to make the most of my flexibility and prepare myself in the best possible way to face any situation.”

From the announcements, do you perceive the right mix of youth and where is the bar set this year?

“President Fabrizio Ruggiero has set up an excellent team, and it is right to aim higher and higher every year. Since there are many new additions, it will be essential to find the right mix as soon as possible. We will build our goals in the gym day after day!”

With what personal expectations and ambitions are you preparing for the new season?

“It will be a very challenging season. I will try to improve myself, go as far as possible, and get other great satisfactions.”