Beautiful morning, today 12 September, at the Agricultural Technical Institute of Marsicovetere-Villa d’Agri: a representative of our boys – accompanied by coach Pino Lorizio and deputy Giuseppe Pisano – brought greetings to the students and wished them a new season school full of merits and satisfactions.

Doing the honours, with smiles and lots of joy, were the Director of the Institute Marinella Giordano, the Physical Education teacher Antonella Le Rose together with all the other teachers.

School and sport have many things in common: aggregation, friendship, spirit of solidarity and cultural growth. It is the message that the coach wanted to leave to the young people: “The group always makes the difference, the more united you are, the more great results you achieve, even at school”. Our libero Nicola Fortunato followed, wishing the boys “a good year, both at school and in sporting activities”.

During the pleasant meeting, the players answered the many questions and curiosities of the students, also indulging in some fun dribbling.

Before the final goodbyes, the delivery of the game shirt and a ball with the signatures of the whole team, as a testimony and intangible memory of the day.