Rinascita Volley Lagonegro is pleased to announce the confirmation of coach Pino Lorizio for the 2024/2025 season. The president Nicola Carlomagno, the sporting director Nicola Tortorella and the entire corporate sector have renewed their trust in the coach with conviction after the excellent first season in the A3 series, which culminated with third place in the regular season and the quarter-finals in the promotion playoffs.
Lorizio’s confirmation is the first concrete step in the construction of the new season now upon us: “I am truly happy to work again with this Club. With President Carlomagno and Director Tortorella we have unity of intent and a long-term vision on what we can achieve together. And I, inside myself, promised myself not to leave Lagonegro before having brought this club back to the place it deserves.”
Lorizio is already fully immersed in work: “I don’t know how long it will take, but I will give my all to achieve the goals we set ourselves. I am aware that it will be a long and tiring road, but at the same time exciting. The project began last year and we will continue the work with some kids who have deserved to be reconfirmed and other new ones who will join Lagonegro with the motivation and decision to share a difficult but certainly exciting project with us.”
The coach concludes with a dutiful greeting: “To the guys who were with us last year and who took different paths, I can’t help but thank them for the work they did with us and which led us to a beautiful and unexpected third place. . I wish them all the best in their careers and private lives.”