The 2024/25 season is approaching. The Volleyball League has recently made official the list of the 14 teams at the starting line of the Serie A2 Credem Banca. ABBA Pineto responds ‘present’: for the second consecutive year, after the salvation achieved in the past season, the association of President Guido Abbondanza will compete with the cadet series.

The white and blue club will be the maximum expression of Abruzzo volleyball, the only team in the region to compete in A2 in a championship which, apart from Abruzzo, will involve eight other regions. Compared to last year, Sicily and Calabria are added, respectively with the new entries Cosedil Aci Castello – relegated from the Super League – and OmiFer Palmi, the latter following the acquisition of the title sold by Santa Croce. Still in terms of news, a brace from the Marche between the newly promoted teams with Virtus Volley Fano and Macerata.

The calendars will be made official next Thursday 18 July during the Volley Mercato event, an annual event that will bring together managers and staff of Serie A clubs in Bologna for three days (16, 17 and 18 July) of refresher courses, comparison and insights.

The complete list of teams at the start of the Serie A2 Credem Banca 2024/25:

Cosedil Aci Castello
WOW Green House Aversa
Consoli Sferc Group Brescia
Cantù Royal Fields
S. Bernardo Cuneo water
Virtus Volley Fano
Macerata Bank
OmiFer Palmi
ABBA Pineto
Delta Group Porto Viro
Tinet Prata of Pordenone
Consar Ravenna
Conad Reggio Emilia
Emma Villas Siena