Entering on tiptoe last year and gradually becoming the driving force behind Smartsystem Fano, as well as being the decisive man at bat in the return play-off final against San Donà, Pietro Merlo and Virtus Fano still together for a year .

Speaking of the renewal, the Venetian player himself is keen to remember: “It all happened during the play-offs – says the Virtussino striker – inside me I was hoping for it, I would have liked to stay willingly. Then the company’s proposal arrived and I must say that I am very happy.” The boy from Thiene is linked to Fano for many reasons: “For the club, the city and the fans – admits Merlo – we all worked together overcoming the thousand difficulties that the championship put in front of us. A lot of pressure at the beginning, then a few stumbles but we managed to overcome everything very well.”

Pietro Merlo, silent and reserved, but endowed with extraordinary strength as well as unique technical qualities, has gradually entered the minds and hearts of the people of Fano, often bringing the public of the Marche into ecstasy: “The people of Fano were extraordinary – admits Merlo – Without them we wouldn’t have made it.” Then the Smartsystem spiker looks to the future: “After what we have experienced – continues Pietro – I cannot deny that I am sorry to have lost a good part of the winning group, a group that found incredible unity over the course of the season. But, at the same time, I will play in A2 in a great team with elements of absolute value. The level will rise, there will be very tough opponents and we will have to be good at playing all the matches with a knife between our teeth.” Word of Pietro Merlo.