Volleyball profession? But also, and above all, “bricklayer”. In these playoffs, Piergiorgio Antonaci is also rejecting the air. And its walls represent one of the secrets of the trio of successes obtained in the post season by Belluno Volley. The central defender originally from Galatina, in fact, nailed ten balls in the opponent’s half of the field in the two matches of the round of 16 against Negrini Cte Acqui Terme (six in Piedmont and four at the Spes Arena). And two more in the first match of the quarter-finals, won 3-1 by the rhinos against OmiFer Palmi.

BRICKS – Today’s volleyball, however, does not allow you to enjoy numbers and statistics for too long. And so, the twenty-nine year old who passed through San Giustino is ready to “take back the bricks” and build new walls. Because match 2 is scheduled for Sunday 21 April (6pm) in Calabria: «It will be another volleyball battle – says “Pingu”, as the number 15 in the blue and white jersey is pleasantly nicknamed -. Driven by their fans, OmiFer will try to win the home match. But we must enter the field with the necessary concreteness. And awareness in our means. We will be facing a team that will express its best version when serving: therefore it is necessary to give our best.”

ADVANTAGE – Belluno Volley starts with the advantage acquired in game 1 won in four parts: «It was a great performance from the team. We fought with the right mentality, trying to defend every ball, respecting our game system and adapting it to the study conducted on the opponents. Last Sunday’s attitude is the one we must always bring to the court, from now until the end of the season, to be able to express ourselves at our best and implement our weekly work in the gym.”

FIELD FACTOR – The rhinos obviously aim to close the series but, in case of defeat, they have the parachute for game 3: «The pitch factor is fundamental – continues the central defender from Puglia -. In this sense, we are lucky enough to play the eventual “beauty” in front of our fans. Even if it’s not luck: we worked for a year to earn this advantage. However, let’s think about the Palmi match: we will find a “warm” environment.”

GOALS – In addition to his technical qualities and personality, Antonaci brings experience guaranteed by the four seasons and 102 matches played in Serie A. And, again in Serie A, he is 4 points away from 600 points: «In reality I wasn’t aware of these goals. They’re nice, but now I’m focused on the playoffs.