Delta Group Porto Viro will also be able to count on its Brazilian talisman in the next Serie A2 Credem Banca championship: the contract of spiker Pedro Henrique Ferreira Silva, born in 1996, 200 centimeters tall, has been extended until 2025.

Having landed in Polesine a few weeks after the start of last season, Pedro immediately carved out an important space for himself in coach Morato’s rotations, often proving decisive during the match in progress. Most memorable, above all, was the exploit in the fourth set of game 2 of the playoff semi-final against Siena, when with four aces in a row he reopened a match and a series that now seemed lost.

The first Italian season ended with 117 points scored in all competitions, now the athlete native of Maceiò, north-east of Brazil, is called to make the classic leap in quality. Next year, in fact, he will be one of the most experienced athletes on the black and fuchsia roster and will most likely start as a starter: a great opportunity but also a great responsibility.

“I thank the club for believing in me and my work, in Porto Viro I found a second family, I really feel at home here – declares Pedro – I decided to stay in Italy because the A2 is one of the most important and difficult championships in the world, the level is very high and this allows me to grow as an athlete. I’m very motivated for next season, I can’t wait to get back to training and be together with my teammates.”

Pedro left an indelible mark on Porto Viro’s last season (“I helped the team a lot with the serve, it’s a fundamental that I like and I think it’s quite good for me…”, he says smiling), but he also knows that “there there is always room for improvement. As individuals and as a group we must try to grow every day, work hard to achieve this goal.”