Experience at the service of young people: Paul Ferenciac is the new signing of Diavoli Rosa; he will be the hammer in place 4 of Brugherio in the 2024/25 season of the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship.

Born in 1996, spiker Ferenciac arrives in the rosanero in a key role, with a wealth of experience in Serie A, two in Serie A1 and three in Serie A3, always in the southern group.

It all started in 2014 with his first two seasons in Serie A1 in Latina and then moved to Pineto and Massa Lubrense to get involved in the Serie B championship, with the 2020/21 season, culminating with the championship victory and promotion in Serie A3, under Leo Shoes Casarano.

A new chapter begins for Ferenciac, that of the A3 Series. He returns to the Serie A world, starting from Sabaudia in the 2021/22 season, passing through Bari in the following one, and returning “home” again last championship, to Plus Volleyball Sabaudia.

Now a new adventure: northern group, at the court of the Pink Devils and coach Danilo Durand.

Sports Director Quintieri’s statements: “Ferenciac is a player we looked for and on whom we insisted a lot on the market because we are certain that his experience can make the difference in a context like ours. He had the opportunity to interact with the world of Serie A1 in Latina and to be familiar with Serie A3 with his years spent in Sabaudia and Bari. He is a player accustomed to the series, he has the field and game on his feet and we believe he can bring quality and experience, which are fundamental for our season. We are focusing a lot on him.”

Ferenciac’s first declarations in the rosanero: “After years spent in the southern group of A3, the opportunity presented itself to have this experience in the north. I embraced this project knowing the seriousness of the company and the attention it places on working in the gym, especially with young people. It’s the first time I’ve happened to be among the older players and I think it’s a fundamental role for the balance of the team, especially when you’re so young, and the thought of covering this role energizes me. I like to take on certain responsibilities and be helpful to the rest of the younger guys, I will give my best to fill this role. On a personal level, the objective is to carve out a space for myself as a protagonist in the championship, at the same time I want to give my best to help the team achieve the objectives set by the club. I can’t wait to get to know and be known directly by the entire Brugherio environment.”