He is a rookie in Serie A3 Credem Banca. And he is, above all, one of the great innovations of Belluno Volleyball: he comes from Lombardy, he will turn 27 on December 31st. And he has already conquered everyone with his grace, his approach and an enviable dribbling technique: the reference is to Francesco Guizzardi. «The climate in the gym is excellent, we are working hard – says the director, who arrived from Yaka Volley Malnate -. In this period the loads and volumes of work are important, but necessary to have the fuel needed to face the season as best as possible.”

SETTING IN – The settling-in process is already continuing at rapid speed: «In Belluno I found what I expected and what had been anticipated. It is a very liveable city, everything is within reach and, moreover, you can perceive the passion of the area for our sport. In short, it is a good starting point to be able to work better.”

GUIDELINES – Under the guidance of Matteo De Cecco and his staff, the rhinos have entered the third week of preparation: «De Cecco is a demanding coach, as is right if you intend to aim high, but he is also available in compared to us athletes. Since this phase is dedicated to physical preparation, we are giving ourselves team guidelines, but we have not yet entered into the technical and tactical merit of the individual roles. Although, obviously, I had some anticipation about what the coach wants from me. We are certainly talking about a highly trained technician, as can be seen from such a relevant background.”

CONTROL ROOM – Guizzardi shares the control room with Leonardo Ferrato: «It is a pleasure to work with “Leo”. In addition to being a quiet guy, he is a person who transmits serenity. I felt comfortable from the first minute. Furthermore, despite being younger than me, he reveals his maturity and professionalism.” In line with the entire collective: «A group is emerging that wants to sweat in the gym and fight for every ball. Only in this way will we be able to try to achieve the ambitious goals we have in mind. The technical level is very high for the A3 Series, as is the experience and personality of the individual players. There really are the conditions to aspire to something important.”