A press conference was called last night to give news of what was now clear to the experts: Pallavolo Motta will not register for the Serie A3 championship.

A decision that came after careful evaluations, which is certainly not a surprise, but which still represents a very painful choice.
There were various reasons that led to this decision, as President Buso explains: “It was a set of problems that forced the Board of Directors to this conclusion. The costs to support a category of this level are not few, especially to try to do it at a high level. Because we have always tried to offer our audience the best, but this costs money and unfortunately the resources accumulated are minimal and without guarantee. Unfortunately, we have persisted in doing this for too long, but the time has come to really stop.
Furthermore, the entrepreneurial fabric did not respond as we believed to our project. Anyone who knows me knows that I am very self-critical, so there was probably a mistake on our part in sharing the project. It is also true, however, that for our territory, for how we wanted to develop the project, we were not attractive, especially for the big sponsors”.
Ten years in which the successes were undoubtedly many more than the defeats. Is this a difficult choice?
“Unfortunately, this abandonment of the category has not found everyone in agreement. Someone has decided to take on other paths. And I find it right. I take responsibility for this choice which I personally believed was a necessary and fundamental move, also to save the image of the company and its over 50 years of history. I still believe in these colors and I will believe them forever. I stayed and I’m here to put my face to it again this evening precisely because I believe it.
I am convinced that what has been done in these 10 years will remain in the history not only of volleyball, but also of the city. I remember that, in the last 10 years, we have risen from a difficult economic situation to quickly win a Serie B championship, we were the first in the history of Italian volleyball to win a Serie A3 championship, we reached the quarterfinals final for promotion to the SuperLega.
But every now and then facts present us with choices and the moment comes when our ego must be put aside. And the time has come now.”