The playoff quarter-final series continues and on Easter Monday Emma Villas Siena will play game 2 at the San Filippo sports center in Brescia. Today the white and blue boys trained at PalaEstra and tomorrow they are scheduled to leave for Lombardy.

Coach Gianluca Graziosi’s team starts from an advantageous situation after winning game 1 played on Wednesday evening at PalaEstra: the match ended 3-1 in favor of the home team. The first set was won by the locals, the second by the guests. Then Siena shifted into higher gear, with a very good 60% in attack and with great quality also in the service in the third set, which Emma Villas won 25-19. The Sienese also played the fourth set with a lot of attention, touching many balls, defending well and taking the lead until the final 25-15.

Four of the blue and whites reached double figures in terms of points scored: Alessio Tallone (judged MVP of the match) scored 14 points, 15 each came from Matheus Krauchuk and Marco Pierotti, 12 from Riccardo Copelli.

The assistant coach of Emma Villas Siena, Alessandro Passaponti, now states: “Monday in Brescia will be another sporting battle, in game 1 we demonstrated that we are ready for these playoffs after our boys prepared well and worked hard throughout the year. The group is aware of having an internal strength which they then manage to put on the taraflex, we are facing strong teams who obviously give us a hard time because the playoffs are not a walk in the park. In race 1 we showed off some good skills, which we know we have. Brescia has an excellent roster, with quality and experienced players, they have all departments covered with excellent elements.”