Saverio De Santis, a young 25-year-old libero, has returned to wear the colors of his homeland with Domotek Volley Reggio Calabria, bringing with him a wealth of experience and a strong sense of belonging. After seven years in Serie A, his return was welcomed with enthusiasm, seeing him as a key resource for the Reggio team. The team is working to prepare its debut in A3, scheduled for Sunday 13 October 2024 at Modica. Here are his impressions of the team and this new adventure:

“We are a young group.
Aware that in this renowned championship there are stronger and more experienced rosters than us.
For our part, however, we are excited, we want to battle, in every match, for every ball.
We have the desire and potential to occupy important positions.
We will fight.”

What atmosphere did you find?

There is an air of importance.
There is excellent organisation.
There is great enthusiasm.
We have already experienced beautiful moments such as the presentation at the Aragonese Castle.
We work hard, and we don’t want to disappoint.

What roster is it, that of Reggio Calabria?

“We are young and with a desire to win.
Many of us have already played profitably in A3, others even in more important categories.
We work every day together with Mister Polimeni and his staff to find the right mix and our balance in view of the championship.
We want to arrive very ready for the championship opener against Modica to do battle.”

What pushed me to sign for Domotek?

“I have never played for a team from my homeland.
I’m proud.
I already feel very attached to this shirt.
I want to bring the amaranth colors high and I will give my all.”