It was an engaging evening, this is the right summary of the party held at the Teatro della Fortuna where the sixty candles of our partnership were celebrated.

It was an opportunity to meet the protagonists of the next A2 series championship who will begin their adventure on October 6th with the trip to Ravenna.

With Bobo Bevilacqua as the star of the evening, there were many exciting moments, starting from the entry of the old and new Virtussini members, with Gianluca Sorcinelli who retraced the entire history of Fano volleyball from its origins.

It was also an opportunity to remember historical figures such as Giorgio Tonelli, founder of the company in 1964, Maurizio Gramolini and Paolo Cioccia, the most successful President of Virtus who brought the company to the highest levels of Italian volleyball.

The presence of the local political authorities was inevitable, with a large part of the City Council present, led by the mayor Luca Serfilippi, who highlighted the importance of the role played by Virtus in the city and how surprises regarding the sports facilities cannot be ruled out in the short term.

The highlight was the presentation of the A2 series team with great applause for the protagonists of last season’s promotion and for coach Mastrangelo, preceded by the official presentation of the Smartsystem and Essence Hotels duo with Andrea Falcucci and Antonio Cafarelli.

An evening definitely to remember, thanks to the Teatro della Fortuna which opened its doors to us in an evocative place, giving the city an event that will always remain in the heart of every Virtussino.