Nicolò Casaro is the transfer coup of New Mater Volley Castellana Grotte in view of the next season and the next national A3 men’s volleyball championship. The opposite, born in 1994 (born on 25 October in Abano Terme) comes from Banca Macerata, the team with which he won direct promotion to Serie A2 at the end of the last regular season. Same outcome, even if achieved through the playoffs, achieved the previous year (2022/2023) with Farmitalia Catania. Casaro, therefore, arrives in Castellana Grotte with the score of two promotions in a row, but also with a personal haul of 192 appearances between series A1, series A2 and series A3 and 1837 points scored in all competitions.

Trained in volleyball in Pallavolo Padova (he was part of the roster that in the 2013/2014 season won a promotion from the A2 series to the Super League), raised in Pallavolo Motta di Livenza, he made his debut in A2 with Ortona in 2016/2017, before playing two seasons in Serie B (in Ferrara and Massa) and two more seasons in the Super League in Padua. Followed only by the A3 series with Lecce, Catania and Macerata.

The Venetian opposite ended last championship with 432 points scored in 22 appearances (at an average of 19.6 points per game) with 56 winning serves. In line with the previous year: 481 points in 26 games (average 18.5 points per game). In both championships he finished ninth in the ranking of the best scorers in the A3 series.

“I chose Castellana because we are talking about a historical reality, about a club that knows how to play volleyball and that has always worked at high levels, for a long time – commented Casaro himself – The staff is first rate and the team will be a good mix of young talents and experienced players. I am sure that the prospects for next season will be interesting, we expect to do good things and have a leading championship. The hope is to put our head first and see what happens.”

Casaro chose the number 17 shirt.