After many years as an opponent, Nicola Candeli will play at Pool Libertas Cantù in the 2024/2025 season. He arrived at volleyball at the age of seventeen, but five years with Atlantide Pallavolo Brescia, plus a period in the SuperLega with the Consar RCM Ravenna shirt, make him one of the most experienced middle blockers in the category.

Coach Alessandro Mattiroli comments on the new entry: “Nicola is a central defender who impressed me a lot when I saw him play against Cantù. Furthermore, he is a player who has experience in the category, and therefore he is a good prospect for our project, given that in that role we needed an addition of experience, and he has a lot of it in this category. He will definitely be a great resource for us.”

“A few years ago there had already been some contact with Cantù – confesses the Brescia centre-back – but then it didn’t materialise. Which happened now, after many years as adversaries, and this allowed me to get to know this reality even if indirectly. I’m very happy to come: many friends have played here, and they spoke very well to me about the club, and this is one of the reasons why I accepted the proposal quite quickly, as well as the proximity to home. The project is to create a team that can provide some satisfaction, even if we know that the level of the top players in the class is very high, and there are many others who on paper start ahead of us. In my opinion, however, we will be able to gain some satisfaction, even if it is early now: as we start and get to know each other we will have to give shape to our game, but I am sure we will have fun. On a personal level I would like to try to do well, and in any case to do better than last year, and try to improve something that didn’t go very well last season. But the most important thing for me is that the team plays well and wins. It will be important to try to have a good level of training, because that helps to find a good rhythm of play, and consequently we will play well on Sunday. It’s true that there are many teams aiming to move up, but every year there is the one that on paper seemed a little further behind than the others and which instead surprises everyone: we must aim to be that one. The group is good, and there is the potential to do well.”


NATO A: 14/07/1993

IL: Desenzano del Garda (BS)

ALTEZZA: 200cm

RUOLO: centrale


2010-2015: Pallavolo Villanuova (Giov./C/B2)

2015-2018: Volley Montichiari (B2/B)

2018-2021: Atlantide Pallavolo Brescia (A2)

2021-2022: Consar RCM Ravenna (A1)

2022-2024: Atlantide Pallavolo Brescia (A2)

2024-…: Pool Libertas Cantù (A2)