New Mater Volley restarts from the A3 series, from sporting director Bruno De Mori and Giuseppe Barbone who has been entrusted with the technical guidance of the first team.

The organizational machinery of president Michele Miccolis’ club is moving ahead of the 2024/2025 sports season. After the relegation, which occurred in the final stages of the last regular season, and after having evaluated and pondered the choices in view of the next championship, the yellow-blue club is moving the pieces to compose the management staff, technical staff and staff of the next A3 series tournament .

“After last summer’s revolution which led men’s volleyball from Castellano to reunite under the yellow and blue colors and after last season’s undeserved relegation – announced president Miccolis – we start again from the third national series and start from our certainties. Certainties that are not only linked to the presence of historical partners, but also to the professionalism and skills gained over many years of activity and to the future guaranteed by the Puglia Youth Volleyball Academy of which also participated in three last championships national finals always finishing in the top ten teams in Italy”.

Among the creators of these youth results there is also Giuseppe Barbone, promoted for the 2024/2025 championship to first coach of New Mater Volley in the A3 series, after 7 years as second in the Super League and A2 series, after his experiences as head coach in final of the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 seasons and after the excellent path taken last season leading the youth teams of Castellana. At his side, in the role of second coach, there will be Francesco Valente, in the last two seasons second coach of Pallavolo Bari in Serie A3 and with a past as a player with Materdomini Castellana in the second half of the nineties in Serie A2 and Serie B1 .

“We have confirmed in the role of sporting director a charismatic and experienced figure like Bruno De Mori who during all these years has always been able to maintain a high level of competence within the club – continued Miccolis – and we have entrusted the technical guidance to Giuseppe Barbone, a coach who knows the environment very well and who has consolidated experience in Serie A. With them we are working on a sustainable project that combines talent and experience, guarantees and prospects. We hope to build a team that can do well and give new impetus to the passion for volleyball in Castellana Grotte.”