The new Avimecc Modica athlete arrives from Lecce to complete the setter department.

This is the young Alessandro Cipolloni who arrives at the white and blue court on the recommendation of the coach Enzo Distefano who also on this occasion was satisfied with his request.

Born in 2003, Cipolloni arrives in Modica from Aurispa DelCar Lecce, but originally from Tarquinia he trained in volleyball in the youth teams of Tuscania.

183 centimeters tall, in 2022, Cipolloni joined the first team, with which he made his debut in Serie A3, a championship he also played last season with Lecce.

“Alessandro is a young setter who has been playing in the A3 series for a few seasons already having already gained experience in the Third Series in Tuscania and Lecce – explains coach Enzo Distefano – he is a hard worker and I felt a lot of enthusiasm in him and I am sure that he will do well in Modica Well. Alongside the experience of Pedro Putini, Cipolloni completes in the best way a delicate department such as that of setters which I care about in a particular way. I am sure that he will be able to give us the contribution that we all expect – he continues – by working hard in every training session in the gym. Alessandro is another piece who, together with the old and new arrivals, will give us his contribution in a championship that promises to be difficult and demanding. Also in this case I thank the management of Avimecc Modica – concludes Enzo Distefano – who accepted my requests convinced that we can raise the bar. In the end we managed to bring this talented young man to Modica who other clubs had their eyes on. I hope that he will be able to show off in the blue and white and that together we can have a lot of great satisfaction.”

Happy to wear the shirt of the city of the County, the new setter of Avimecc Modica will have time and opportunity to demonstrate his value and repay the trust that the entire white and blue environment has placed in him.

“Several factors – declares Alessandro Cipolloni – pushed me to accept the proposal that came from Modica. Above all, the great intensity and seriousness with which we work. I have been facing Modica as an opponent for two years and I have had the opportunity to see the seriousness of the environment, both at a corporate level and at a gaming level and I have also been able to admire the beauty of the city. Working alongside a good and expert setter like Pedro Putini – he continues – will certainly help me grow and I hope to learn a lot from him. The team is an excellent mix because two different generations compete on the roster. We will have the determination of us young people and the experience of the ‘older’ ones at our disposal and therefore we can do great things together.