Avimecc Modica will make their home debut in the A3 volleyball championship where president Ezio Aprile’s team will be present for the sixth consecutive year.

The Volleyball League has released the calendar in recent days, inserting the County’s sextet into the Blue group as expected.

The “Galletti” championship will begin at the “PalaRizza”, where on the first day of the 2024/2025 edition, the blue and white will host the Reggio Calabria team of former Marco Spagnol’s SportSpecialist.

After the rest period on the second day, the first away match of the season for Chillemi and his teammates will be the third day on the Gaia Energy Napoli pitch on 27 October.

The first match against a big team from the Southern group will arrive on the fourth day on November 3rd, when Sieco Service Ortona will be guests at the “PalaRizza”. The first away match of November is on the 10th, on the fifth day in Lecce against Aurispa, while another big team like Rinascita Lagonegro will be on stage in Modica for the sixth day on November 17th.

Double away match between the end of November and 1 December, in Molise on 24 November on the seventh day at the home of Energy Team Campobasso and the following week (1 December) on the Plus Volleyball Sabaudia field.

On the day of the Immaculate Conception the blue and whites will return at home against BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte, and then face Folgore Massa Sorrento away the following week. Before the Christmas holidays the blue and whites will close the first round by hosting former Fabrizio Garofolo’s JV Gioia del Colle at the “PalaRizza”.

“This year – explains coach Enzo Distefano – there was a death of teams that gave up on the A3 series championship, but this is an inversely proportional factor because the reduction of teams in the two groups corresponds to a technical level which by force of things will be raised further. Analyzing our calendar – he continues – we start immediately with the Southern derby with Reggio Calabria newly promoted to Serie A3 after a long ride and which is well equipped to face the Third Series in the best possible way. Among the prominent Calabrian athletes is the former Marco Spagnol. Then, immediately after the rest period, the away match to Naples, a pitch that has always been difficult and with a team that has further strengthened. With Ortona and Lagonegro being among the favourites, the Blue group presents itself with a high technical rate with eleven teams that will fight for eight play off places and three to avoid the play outs and therefore this factor will increase everyone’s difficulties. We – underlines Distefano – have completed the roster which in my opinion is competitive because we have raised the bar with the addition of promising and talented young people.