The press conference to present MO.RE Volley, the collaboration project between three important Emilian men’s volleyball realities: Pieve Volley, Scuola di Pallavolo Anderlini and Volley Tricolore, was held this morning in Reggio Emilia. The conference was held in the presence of the main city and regional authorities and representatives of sports bodies.

The project was created to give broad relevance to young men’s volleyball talents born and raised in two of the major youth organizations in the Reggio Emilia and Modena area, Pieve Volley, focused on the development of grassroots sport, and the Anderlini Volleyball School which over the years has been the protagonist with its youth categories of the National Volleyball Finals also appearing on the pitches of Serie B, C and D.

Volley Tricolore, with its decades of experience at the highest level, will constitute the pinnacle of the project with the Serie A2 championship, a great opportunity for growth and training for young talents on their way out of the youth sectors.

Modena and Reggio Emilia, in fact, are the cradle of great Italian excellence, from food and wine to motors, from culture to sport. MO, Modena, and RE, Reggio Emilia, united to create more volleyball and more value in the area.

A union of intent, the one signed with MO.RE Volley, which acquires greater value in a historical period made of division and fragmentation, capable of going beyond borders, often accentuated in the sporting world. For this reason we have decided to equip ourselves with a new brand identity, with a logo that highlights the V of volleyball, with an open design, with balls capable of breaking through nets and fences, which is open to others, because the true value is creates from the network and relationships, making each one’s best abilities available.