He’s come a long way. From minivolleyball to Serie A, Michele Viganò, born in 2005, is ready to stand out in the center in the 2024/25 season of the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship, his eleventh in the Diavoli Rosa jersey.

In his, albeit still short, volleyball history he has already written many important pages. As captain, he led the under 14s to the conquest of the first historic success of the Brugherese club in 2019, from there another two consecutive successes followed in the under 17s, graduating three times, in three seasons, as Italian Champion, without count the countless national podiums and, last but not least, the promotion to Serie B last season, confirming himself among the best and most complete players in the championship.

In him, two souls coexist in a perfect union: the calmness and reserve of Viganò as a 19-year-old boy leave room for an athlete with a sanguine temperament and a lot of determination on the pitch, where he brings out the best in himself. A pure competitor whose ambition and dedication have brought him this far.

After a year of “internship” in Serie A3, where however he had the opportunity to shine on several occasions showing that he deserved the category, this year is his “consecration” in the first team.

For him, the moment has come when dreams come true: from minivolleyball to Serie A. Michele Viganò will play at centre, as a protagonist, for his Diavoli Rosa.

Coach Danilo Durand: “Great memories bind me to him, having coached him in the under 13s and then having followed his evolution in all these years of youth, full of successes. He is in his second year of evening A and I am convinced that it will be a year of consecration for him. Modern centre-back, with great qualities in all fundamentals. He has a jump serve with multiple variations, strong blocking and has a very early first half which causes a lot of trouble to the opponent’s block. He also has important qualities for the team context, a great competitor, I’m sure he will give us great satisfaction and will help our group grow.”

Michele Viganò’s greeting: “Being able to wear the Devils shirt again is a great pride for me also because this year I received the trust of the club to be promoted to become one of the members of the starting sextet. This is also the culmination of the excellent relationship I have with the company which I hope to maintain in the future. Getting to this point means having reached the top of a journey that has lasted eleven years now, which started in minivolleyball, and if I were to look back now to see the road made during this time I would feel a lot of satisfaction.