After completing his entire youth career in the yellow and blue jersey, Samuele Meneghel took off, gaining valuable experience in Serie B, first in Sardinia at Sant’Antioco and then in the last two years near home with Futura Cordenons.
The time, however, was ripe for the young center back to return to base. And so next season Meneghel will be part of the battery of middle blocker available to Coach Mario Di Pietro.

“I’m happy to return to my home – says the yellow-blue player – after three years in Serie B playing a lot, I bring with me an excellent experience that makes me return to Prata with a different awareness. I’m happy there was the opportunity to come back and I didn’t let it slip away.”

You have always followed Tinet even from afar. Seeing it from the outside, what do you think has changed compared to three years ago?

“The changes have been important and are immediately noticeable. Meanwhile, the arena has changed radically and, obviously, for the better. But the corporate structure is also even more organized and professional. The quality of technique and play has grown exponentially. So, in summary, I would say that there have been great strides in every sector.”

You arrive more mature and aware. What do you expect from next season?

“In addition to the technical one, I hope to achieve an improvement on the physical side as well. And I am sure that here there are the best professionals and the means to certainly be able to do it”

After three years of absence, how has Samuele changed on a personal level?

“I always return to Prata with the same character. I don’t excessively like going out and partying. I prefer to have fun in more homely situations with a few trusted friends”

You have often been in Curva. Do you want to greet the fans?

“Absolutely yes. Come see us and cheer because your support has always been fundamental. We look forward to seeing many of you.”