The usual start-of-season meeting took place this afternoon between the coaches of the Serie A Credem Banca teams and the FIPAV Arbitration Sector, with the aim of illustrating the new changes to the regulations, showing and sharing images of some game actions , take stock of the next championship, now about to begin, and create a space for debate among the many protagonists present.

The meeting, held online, was opened by greetings from Massimo Righi, President of the Serie A Volleyball League, in the presence of the coaches of the 47 clubs that will participate in the Credem Banca Serie A championships this season. Speaking for the Match Officials Sector were Daniele Rapisarda, Representative of the Referee Commission for Role A, and Francesco D’Alò, Representative of International Indoor Activities.

“The collaboration with the Arbitration Sector is dated and long-standing – explains Massimo Righi – we have been holding this early season appointment for years in which we discuss and listen to each other. We offer a two-track collaboration to the Arbitration Sector and vice versa. A thin thread that has transformed into a solid beam on which we all now walk and which we hope will expand.”

The technical line undertaken in recent years has been confirmed; also in light of the feedback from international activity, the innovations introduced by the FIVB were explained, with images and videos to support the explanations.

The composition of the Refereeing Sector for Serie A was also illustrated, with 117 referees in total, of which 45 have been hired since the 2021/22 season, which testifies to almost 40% of the staff being renewed in the last three years, demonstrating an refereeing sector in evolution.