From the youth sector to the first team, here where the investment in young people is massive and constant, the step is very short, especially when there is talent, a desire to get involved and improve. And so here is a new promotion from Diavoli Rosa.

In the control room, taking the place of Simone Prada in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship for the 2024/25 season, there will be the young Milanese, born in 2007, Mauro Giuliani.

Mauro is another protégé of the Diavoli Rosa cantera where in two years he won an Under 17 championship in the 2022/23 season, a national bronze in the same category and a promotion to Serie B last season. The “carefreeness” of his young age is contrasted with a talent in his hands that needs to be cultivated, just as discipline and consistency will need to be cultivated. And what better training camp than that of the first team, of the A3 series, to make the leap in quality and begin to make your way into the world of adults.

The Pink Devils continue to bet on themselves and their boys and this time promotion falls to Mauro Giuliani, second setter in Serie A3.

Coach Durand on Giuliani’s choice in the first team: “Mauro really represents a gamble. He is a very talented boy who, however, was often inconsistent in his youth years. In the last year he led the under 17s to its splendid national podium. The speed of the ball is certainly one of his main characteristics but he will have to combine this talent with dedication, sacrifice and the desire to make himself available to the team. I know that the Serie A environment will be very stimulating for him and I hope he can give us that unpredictability in the game which can sometimes make the difference.”

The young Giuliani on his call to Serie A: “I’ll start by saying that the call to Serie A was a bit of a surprise but I’m enthusiastic about it and I’m curious to start a new path and face this great commitment. Promotion to the first team represents a further push to always give my best and to put myself out there in matches and even before that in training. It will undoubtedly be a difficult but above all different year, in which I will compare my skills with a high-level championship, trying to learn as much as possible from players more experienced than me. Improving technically represents my first challenge but I also hope to acquire the experience I lack and make myself available for the team, never failing to make my contribution.”